“The Hunting Lodge” - 906 Timbercrest Street, Box Hill

“The Hunting Lodge” 906 Timbercrest Street, Box Hill

Built 1870


Land Size 2700 sqm

The building known as the ‘Hunting Lodge’ and by some as ‘Governor Bligh’s Hunting Lodge’, located at 58 The Water Lane, Rouse Hill, is an unusual cruciform plan sandstone cottage with Gothic Revival architectural details probably inspired by a Victorian pattern book design.

A subdivision lot of Governor Bligh’s ‘Copenhagen Farm’ 1806 land grant, the land on which the Hunting Lodge is located has been owned or leased by members of the Terry family, Henry Ferdinand Halloran and several other individuals but analysis of documentary evidence available to date has not revealed who built the Hunting Lodge or who carried out major

alterations in the 1920s and circa 1970s. However, it is most likely to have been built in mid-19th century during the Terry family ownership.

Because of its Terry connections, its aesthetic values and its rarity, The Hunting Lodge is listed on the State Heritage Register (SHR), on Schedule 5, Appendix 11, The Hills Growth Centre Precincts Plan, State Environmental Planning Policy (SEPP) (Sydney Region Growth Centres) 2006 and on the heritage schedule to The Hills Local Environmental Plan 2012.

It is also listed on the Register of the National Trust of Australia (NSW).

For inspections (1-2 hour notice) -


Gregory Poole

Phone: 0418 212 102

Email: gregorypoole8@icloud.com

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